SABATON History Channel Uploads "The Ballad Of Bull" - Leslie "Bull" Allen; Video

June 4, 2020, 4 years ago

news heavy metal sabaton

SABATON History Channel Uploads "The Ballad Of Bull" - Leslie "Bull" Allen; Video

The Sabaton History Channel has released Episode 070, "The Ballad Of Bull" - Leslie "Bull" Allen. Watch below.

A message states: "Sometimes war is killing, sometimes it’s saving lives. This week we turn a soldier who became a hero, not for killing his foes, but for saving his fellow men. Medic Leslie "Bull" Allen's story is a story about courage in the face of fire. The battle for Mount Tambu in 1943 in Papua New Guinea was vicious and bloody, and the field was soon littered with many wounded men crying for help. Without much regard for his own safety, "Bull" Allen stormed forward into the fray. 12 times he went, and 12 times he came back with a wounded soldier on his back."

Sabaton recently posted an official live video for "82nd All The Way", shot in Munich, Germany on January 19 during The Great Tour. Watch below:

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