SCOTT STAPP Announces Concert For ChildFund - A Sponsorship Special Streaming Tonight

May 28, 2020, 4 years ago

news hard rock scott stapp

SCOTT STAPP Announces Concert For ChildFund - A Sponsorship Special Streaming Tonight

Grammy winning songwriter, solo artist, and voice of Creed, Scott Stapp will perform an online concert tonight, Thursday, May 28, to encourage sponsorships for ChildFund International as they battle COVID-19’s secondary impact - hunger and economic instability. Airing on Stapp’s social channels, as well as Creed’s, representatives from ChildFund will take over each live comment section to assist potential donors when the concert begins at 8:30 PM, EST (7:30 PM, Central/5:30 PM, Pacific) tonight, respectively at 2:30 AM, CET on Friday May 29.

With the halting of live shows, Stapp’s philanthropy partner since 2015 has lost a grassroots way to increase awareness and funding. Whereas Stapp’s recent tours saw him speaking about ChildFund from the stage, displaying videos of their impact pre-show, and hosting volunteers at each venue to help fans become sponsors, this concert will now convey those messages online. It will be shareable for the foreseeable future with a modest goal of adding at least 50 new sponsors who will commit to a donation of just $36 a month.

“ChildFund gives kids a fighting chance to overcome the realities they were born into,” said Stapp. “They play a crucial role in all aspects of their lives - housing, nutrition, health, education - from infancy to young adulthood, and they integrate job training as these kids grow. What a gift that is to these children and what a relief for their parents, who have to struggle for the basics we take for granted.”

ChildFund’s $56 million COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan aims to reach 6.3 million in its initial phase to ensure that the virus does not deny any child the right to be healthy and safe:

- Education - teaching the importance of hand washing and social distancing; providing hand washing stations and soap to communities, etc.
- Food - providing food for vulnerable communities so that they can stay home without choosing between food and observing quarantine.
- Domestic abuse - working with community leaders/governments to inform people of resources to help prevent domestic abuse.
- Click here for ChildFund International’s COVID response plan (4/28/20).

In early March, Scott Stapp and ChildFund debuted a PSA Video, filmed on the Stapp’s trip to Ecuador, and set to his song, “Wake Up Call.” At that time, the father of four noted, “Children in need don’t have to become victims of neglect.”

Watch the "Wake Up Call" PSA video below.

Now, when even affluent individuals are navigating income uncertainty, Stapp’s performance aims to shine a light on an easy and affordable way to ensure that children in need receive the crucial support of ChildFund International. To sponsor a child or learn more, please visit

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