SEASON OF GHOSTS - New Album Available For Pre-Order, Slated For September 2018 Release

February 27, 2018, 6 years ago

news season of ghosts heavy metal

SEASON OF GHOSTS - New Album Available For Pre-Order, Slated For September 2018 Release

Season Of Ghosts vocalist / mastermind Sophia (ex-Blood Stain Child) has checked in with the following update:

"The time has come for the most important update of the year! Our second studio album is in pre-production as we speak and we’re giving you the chance to be a part of the process. For this reason we’ve teamed up with Pledge Music, an experienced and trustworthy platform, to offer you a one-of-a-kind experience!

As of today, you are able to pre-order our new album, entitled A Leap Of Faith, as well as selected merchandise and other miscellaneous goodies! Estimated album release date is September 2018 and all merchandise orders will be fulfilled by then. Misc goodie orders will be fulfilled immediately.  Important: all item prices include shipping cost to your country, with Registered Airmail.

Also, everyone who pre-orders any of the available items, gains access to the Access Pass, which is a secret updates board EXCLUSIVELY for pledgers, including video updates, pictures, song previews, details about the album process etc, that will not be released anywhere else on the internet.

Visit the campaign link and see what we’re talking about here.

Season of Ghosts is an independent, self-financed band, so it’s very important that you help us spread the word about this campaign and our band activities, to your friends and anyone who might be interested. Thank you for everything!"

Sophia previously commented on the forthcoming album:

"The second album is finally taking shape, as a new entity. Like last time, I’m gonna let things flow intuitively and let the music in me find its perfect place. Every album I make has a certain dynamic, an identity that I don’t want to disrupt by overthinking about the current musical trends, or the marketability, or genre cliches. I’d lose my creativity plus I never cared about fitting into anything as a person, so I don’t care about fitting into any musical moulds and presets either. If it feels *right* I’ll do it, even if everyone is protesting against it. Because I *see* it in its final form, I see it into the future (and apparently I’m not very democratic when I work :P).

I don’t believe the coming album is gonna have a solid theme like The Human Paradox, but I won’t know until I sit down and let the stories come to me. Until then, please keep supporting me and Season of Ghosts on this creative journey. Your love has kept me alive all these years, even when I felt my existence falling apart. Thank you."

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