SEBASTIAN BACH - "The One Thing I Did Take From KISS Is Rock N' Roll Should Be Fun"

September 16, 2017, 6 years ago

news sebastian bach hard rock

SEBASTIAN BACH - "The One Thing I Did Take From KISS Is Rock N' Roll Should Be Fun"

Vocalist Sebastian Bach (ex-Skid Row) is featured in a new interview with Australia's Hawkesbury Gazette discussing his solo career and his next album. An excerpt is available below.

Bach: “KISS flipped me out when I was a little boy and I know Australians can totally relate to that because they were just as big down under as they were in Canada. That blew my mind, but you can't really take much from KISS. I can't say, 'Well, I'm going to breathe fire and split blood or fly to the top of the arena’. The one thing I did take from KISS is, number one, rock ‘n’ roll should be fun.

Some of these guys on the internet these days are so not fun. There's so much negativity. This guy says this about this guy and this guy says this about this guy - rock ‘n’ roll wasn't like that when I was a kid. There was nothing but, put on a great show and have fun and have a good time. It was like a communal vibe, but the internet is so negative all of the time it seems to have changed what rock is - punching out other band members or something. But that's how we get our rock n roll now. There's no more rock magazines - that's the way it is.

When I come on the stage the fans see me as their excuse to smile and have fun. When I walk out there every time, everybody's just like laughing and smiling, and I'm like, 'What, I didn't even do anything, I'm just standing here'. But that's the way it is. What ever it is that people see me for, they come to the shows and they're ready to party and have fun and that's what music should be about.

And it always is great after long days of travel in the tour bus or in the airport or whatever, when I get out there and everyone is in such a great mood. It’s joyous, it really is. It's one of the last things there is that's fun."

Read the complete story here.

They say a picture's worth a thousand words. Sebastian Bach put that old adage to good use recently via Twitter and the following image showing Bach, and Skid Row guitarist Scotti Hill, both clearly in good spirits. It's accompanied by two words, "Volatile Situation".

By utilizing the phrase "Volatile Situation," Sebastian is directly quoting Scotti Hill from an interview he did recently with Another FN Podcast, recalling the split with Bach. During the appearance, Hill admits that a reunion was being considered at one point, and reveals that Skid Row and Bach will never work together again, stating "People are, like, 'Hey, man, do it for the fans.' Not at the expense of my happiness, no. Sorry. It ain't fucking happening. We appreciate fans, we do. We're probably the most fan-friendly band you'll ever meet. We'll go out in the cold, we'll hang out with them, but what we won't do is put ourselves in a volatile situation and be unhappy and destroy what we have now." Hear for yourself via the audio player below.

Listen to "Scotti Hill - Skid Row" on Spreaker.

Catch Sebastian Bach live on tour:

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