SHARON OSBOURNE Says Church Of England Is "Too Straight"; "The Churches Are Empty Because The Services Are Boring"

July 4, 2018, 5 years ago

news heavy metal sharon osbourne ozzy osbourne

SHARON OSBOURNE Says Church Of England Is "Too Straight"; "The Churches Are Empty Because The Services Are Boring"

According to a report from Sunday Express, the answer England's rapidly dwindling church congregations is to make Sunday services more fun, believes Sharon Osbourne, who blames the Anglican clergy for being "too boring" to keep worshippers coming back to the pews.

Ozzy Osbourne's wife/manager Sharon cites the uplifting address given by Bishop Michael Curry at Prince Harry's wedding as an example of what British parishioners are missing from the "dull" sermons delivered by many vicars. "The churches are empty because the services are boring," declares Brixton-born Sharon. "They need more of the emotion we saw from the Bishop, who was animated and fabulous."

In his somewhat outrageous sermon at Windsor the Episcopalian bishop galvanized many of the congregation - and bemused some - with his homily calling for an end to poverty and war and citing American slavery and Martin Luther King Jr.

Sharon, 65, whose father, the music promoter Don Arden, was Jewish, believes most churches are hidebound by being "too straight" and cites her own move to America in helping her to "sneak through the British way of life and to become so much more emotional."

Read more at Sunday Express.

(Photo - Mike Bax)

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