SHAWN DROVER Takes Credit For Reuniting DAVID ELLEFSON And DAVE MUSTAINE - "Yes, It Was Me," Says Former MEGADETH Drummer

July 18, 2018, 5 years ago

news heavy metal megadeth

SHAWN DROVER Takes Credit For Reuniting DAVID ELLEFSON And DAVE MUSTAINE - "Yes, It Was Me," Says Former MEGADETH Drummer

In a new interview with The Metal Voice, Act Of Defiance/ex-Megadeth drummer Shawn Drover talks about his time in Megadeth, his current tour and new Act of Defiance record Old Scars, New Wounds.

When asked if it was a text from him who got Dave Mustaine and Dave Ellefson to reunite in 2010, he reveals: "Yes it was me. Megadeth was in a situation where we were going to go on the 20th anniversary of Rust In Peace and we were without a bass player. I said if we were going to do that tour it would be smart for the band to get David Ellefson back, even if it was just for that tour. That was the mindset I took when I contacted Dave Ellefson and I asked him, 'what do you think about possibly coming on board to do this tour', it was just an American tour at that time for a month. He was open to it. I presented that to Dave Mustaine and they haggled out all the stuff they had in the past and a day later he was down the street rehearsing."

Watch the interview below:

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