SIXX:A.M. - Greatest Hits Package Coming Soon

May 17, 2020, 4 years ago

news sixx:a.m. hard rock

SIXX:A.M. - Greatest Hits Package Coming Soon

Sixx:A.M. vocalist James Michael recently appeared on the Behind The Vinyl podcast. During the interview, which can be heard in its entirety via the audio player below, Michael speaks extensively about his collaboration with Mötley Crüe bassist Nikki Sixx and forner Guns N' Roses guitarist DJ Ashba. An excerpt has been transcribed as follows:

"We have gotten together since 2016 or 2017, whenever we last toured," reveals James. "We wrote and recorded a few new songs, we did some new versions of songs, so we've got a lot of stuff in the can, actually, that we put together for a best-of or a greatest hits, so to speak, album which we will be releasing. I'm not sure of the exact timing of that, but that is in the cards, so there is gonna be some new Sixx:A.M. music coming out.

"And then, of course, Nikki and the team have been working diligently on the musical of The Heroin Diaries, so that's been in the works. So there's a lot of other things going on that still in some way involve Sixx:A.M. And then as far as the future of Sixx:A.M.? I don't know. We may just kind of get the itch to make another record someday — you just never know."

"What's most important to me is that we got to a point in our lives where we were able to celebrate and embrace the work that we have done, and I'm finally at that point," continues Michael. "I have nothing but gratitude and gratefulness for every minute of my involvement in Sixx:A.M. So, is there something in the future? If there was, I'd be excited to find out what it could be and would roll up my sleeves and go in with all fours, and I think both Nikki and DJ would be the same way about it."

Sixx:A.M released five albums between 2007 and 2016. Most recently in January 2020, they issued a new video for their song, "Talk To Me", in support of Bell Let’s Talk Day, the single largest corporate commitment to mental health in Canada.

Nikki Sixx used his platform to call attention to the connection between Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (two topics with intense stigma associated with their discussion) via the Canadian-based, international event, Bell Let’s Talk Day. 

To highlight the efforts to open up lines of communication, Sixx:A.M. released the long-awaited video for their song “Talk To Me.” The track, originally released in September 2019, invites each of us to take the first step toward mutual understanding and healing using the power of conversation. Get the song here.

(Photo - Dustin Jack)


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