STEEL PANTHER Drummer STIX ZADINIA Gets Serious - "There's No Way This Band Would Ever Consider Going 'Maybe We Should Tone It Down...'"

August 28, 2019, 4 years ago

news steel panther hard rock

STEEL PANTHER Drummer STIX ZADINIA Gets Serious - "There's No Way This Band Would Ever Consider Going 'Maybe We Should Tone It Down...'"

Steel Panther drummer Stix Zadinia called in to The Classic Metal Show to talk about the band's new album Heavy Metal Rules, the #MeToo movement, dealing with the PC climate, and offers a message to anyone that doesn't think that heavy metal rules.

Q: As a fan, it is very encouraging with the political culture the way it is, it is encouraging that you guys went out of your way to double middle fingers in the air.

Stix: "I remember being at a festival a couple of years ago and we started getting questions about MeToo, and they're, like, 'Are you guys concerned about it?' And we're, like, 'No, we do what we do. We fucking rock and we sing about pussy and we sing about partying and we sing about heavy metal and we sing about the shit that we do every fucking day.' There's no way that this band - that any one of us four - would ever consider going, 'You know what guys? Maybe we should tone it down so we don't bum anybody out.' It's the whole reason we fucking started playing music, man. There's a freedom about being in Steel Panther, that we can say what we want and how we want. The way that you feel about it as a listener, that's exactly what we're going for."

Q: There was all that flak about Satchel with the Pussy Melter guitar pedal. Behind the scenes, did you guys have discussions about, 'Oh my god, what is this coming to?'

Stix: "There was a lot of conversations about, like, 'I can't believe this is a real thing happening.' And it was never a question of whether or not we should continue down that road. I think how we handled it, I'm proud of how we handled it. We didn't go after anyone, we didn't say, 'Fuck you,' we didn't go after the people who kind of came after us, but what we did was... look, I get it, if you don't like something, that's totally fucking cool. If you don't love Steel Panther or you hate us, it doesn't matter, and everyone's entitled to however the fuck they feel. But the problem was when people started going, 'I don't like that, so I'm going to try to make sure nobody else has access to it.' That's where we fucking stood our ground. We said, 'Fuck that.' That's what we were kind of railing against. If somebody gets offended, I get it, that's cool, not everything is for everyone, but you can't fucking police the world when it comes to fucking America and free speech. And calling something a Pussy Melter when you have fucking porn out there, people fucking on the tube site - don't get me wrong, I fucking love it - but if you're offended by that, then just don't fucking watch it, but you can't try to shut it down so other people can't enjoy it."

Steel Panther have released a new video, taking you behind the scenes in Sin City as the band shoots the official video for the single, "All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)". Watch below:

Steel Panther's fifth studio album, Heavy Metal Rules, is out on September 27. The new album is available for pre-order in various bundle configuration here.

“Heavy Metal Rules is the ultimate party album. Anthem after anthem and hook after hook, the songs will provide the soundtrack to your new bitchin’ heavy metal life. The first single, 'All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)', is the ultimate song about self-love and having a positive personal self-image. It is the kind of song you put on to get yourself in the mood whether you’re getting ready to have sex with yourself or 17 girls in a row,” explains Steel Panther.  

From the opening track “Zebraman” (which is audio taken from the classic film Heavy Metal Parking Lot) to the emotional album closer “I Ain’t Buying What You’re Selling,” Steel Panther have created 36 minutes of audio eargasms. Songs like “Let’s Get High Tonight,” “Fuck Everybody” and “Gods Of Pussy” are destined to become natural additions to the band’s setlist. “I’m Not Your Bitch” is an anthem for all acknowledged genders and sexual orientations worldwide. The video for the first single “All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)” was shot in Las Vegas and features cameos from numerous celebrities from music, comedy, YouTube and more.


"All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)"
"Let's Get High Tonight"
"Always Gonna Be A Ho"
"I'm Not Your Bitch"
"Fuck Everybody"
"Heavy Metal Rules"
"Sneaky Little Bitch"
"Gods Of Pussy"
"I Ain't Buying What You're Selling"

"All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)" video:

“Always Gonna Be A Ho” video:

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