STEEL PANTHER Drummer STIX ZADINIA Talks Heavy Metal Rules - "I Feel Like It's Time For A Record Like This, Especially Because Of All The PC Police Out There"

September 17, 2019, 4 years ago

news steel panther hard rock

STEEL PANTHER Drummer STIX ZADINIA Talks Heavy Metal Rules - "I Feel Like It's Time For A Record Like This, Especially Because Of All The PC Police Out There"

The Audio Ink Radio Podcast recently caught up with Steel Panther drummer Stix Zadinia to discuss the band's new album, Heavy Metal Rules. Check out the interview below. 

Stix: "There's no filler on this record, there's no fourteen or fifteen songs where three of them or four of them are just... fast-forward, skip, skip, skip. I don't feel like there's any skippage on this record. I feel like it's time for a record like this, especially because of all the PC police out there, and I think that this one is gonna feel sharper to people who are super sensitive. But we haven't changed what we've done, I think the culture got more sensitive and it's going to feel, you're going to go, 'You can't say that.'"

Steel Panther have released a new video, taking you behind the scenes in Sin City as the band shoots the official video for the single, "All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)". Watch below:

Steel Panther's fifth studio album, Heavy Metal Rules, is out on September 27. The new album is available for pre-order in various bundle configuration here.

“Heavy Metal Rules is the ultimate party album. Anthem after anthem and hook after hook, the songs will provide the soundtrack to your new bitchin’ heavy metal life. The first single, 'All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)', is the ultimate song about self-love and having a positive personal self-image. It is the kind of song you put on to get yourself in the mood whether you’re getting ready to have sex with yourself or 17 girls in a row,” explains Steel Panther.  

From the opening track “Zebraman” (which is audio taken from the classic film Heavy Metal Parking Lot) to the emotional album closer “I Ain’t Buying What You’re Selling,” Steel Panther have created 36 minutes of audio eargasms. Songs like “Let’s Get High Tonight,” “Fuck Everybody” and “Gods Of Pussy” are destined to become natural additions to the band’s setlist. “I’m Not Your Bitch” is an anthem for all acknowledged genders and sexual orientations worldwide. The video for the first single “All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight)” was shot in Las Vegas and features cameos from numerous celebrities from music, comedy, YouTube and more.


"All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)"
"Let's Get High Tonight"
"Always Gonna Be A Ho"
"I'm Not Your Bitch"
"Fuck Everybody"
"Heavy Metal Rules"
"Sneaky Little Bitch"
"Gods Of Pussy"
"I Ain't Buying What You're Selling"

"All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)" video:

“Always Gonna Be A Ho” video:

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