STEEL PANTHER Guitarist SATCHEL Reveals 10 Guitar Players That Blew His Mind

September 14, 2019, 4 years ago

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STEEL PANTHER Guitarist SATCHEL Reveals 10 Guitar Players That Blew His Mind

Speaking with Music Radar, Steel Panther guitarist Satchel (Russ Parrish, ex-Fight) weighed in on the 10 guitarists that blew his mind. Following is an excerpt from the rundown.

Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin, The Yardbirds)

Satchel: "Going back to when I was very young, like a lot of kids, the first thing I ever learned was 'Stairway To Heaven'. I didn’t even know who Jimmy Page was when I was that young, but I knew he sounded fuckin’ awesome because everything on Led Zeppelin IV sounds awesome. He’s one of the most genius songwriters that’s ever lived. I love how he didn’t give a shit if he was the cleanest guitar player… he even admitted that he didn’t really care. Some nights he would be a lot cleaner than others, but it wasn’t about that. He was so creative and very experimental. All of those riffs and licks were genius. 

We nearly met him in this very hotel one time, but just missed him. I ran down the stairs but then he was gone because he’s magical and drifted out on smoke. He’s so legendary that there’s no outshredding this guy. He’s carved his way onto the Mount Rushmore of rock. Through him I realised it wasn’t just about being technical on guitar, it all comes down to being creative. If your music isn’t fun to listen to, no one will listen to it or care how good you are. It will just be you by yourself in your bedroom and that’s not fun."

Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big, Racer X)

Satchel: "I’ve known Paul for years, we even lived together many moons ago. We used to eat a lot of Indian food, I remember he was super into naan bread. He was like a spider monkey, seven feet tall and not eating all day. Suddenly at eight o’ clock every night, he’d realise he was starving and would start craving Asian food.

He’s been a huge influence on me, not just as a lead player, but as a musician. He’s a very creative person, he loves to play piano and other instruments and bring all of that into his songwriting. He’s incredibly well-rounded because I guess he wanted to play everything. He wanted to do all of it because he’s a musician’s musician. He will take influence from anything, transposing from piano to guitar just for fun and a challenge. Besides from making him a better musician, it also keeps you young. You keep hearing things that sound cool and they make you want to learn why. You get more and more new ideas. Paul is probably the most technically amazing guitar player I’ve heard in my life. Yngwie is fantastic in his own right, but Paul is almost like a computer in how clean he picks. Even Yngwie makes mistakes once in a while, but I’ve never heard Paul make a mistake… unless it he did it on purpose.”

Check out the complete list here.

Steel Panther's fifth studio album, Heavy Metal Rules, is out on September 27. The new album is available for pre-order in various bundle configuration here.

The new single, "Gods Of Pussy", is available for streaming below, as well as at all digital streaming services. The song is also available as an instant download via all digital retailers.

Lyrically, “Gods Of Pussy” is a life manifesto as only vocalist Michael Starr, guitarist Satchel, bassist Lexxi Foxx and drummer Stix Zadinia can unleash upon the world.

Steel Panther explains: “KISS wrote ‘God Of Thunder,” Def Leppard wrote ‘Gods Of War’ and we wanted to get in to the ‘God’ business too. This is an autobiographical description of a day in the life of Steel Panther. So, when you’re feeling a little unsexy and you need to get your mojo flowing and turn up the heat, play this song at 10 and you too can become a God Of Pussy.”


"All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)"
"Let's Get High Tonight"
"Always Gonna Be A Ho"
"I'm Not Your Bitch"
"Fuck Everybody"
"Heavy Metal Rules"
"Sneaky Little Bitch"
"Gods Of Pussy"
"I Ain't Buying What You're Selling"

"Gods Of Pussy":

"All I Wanna Do is Fuck (Myself Tonight)" video:

“Always Gonna Be A Ho” video:

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