STEVE VAI Discusses Music Education And The Rockit Program; Video

May 11, 2016, 8 years ago

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STEVE VAI Discusses Music Education And The Rockit Program; Video

In this new video from Rock Scene Magazine, guitar legend Steve Vai talks Music Education and the Rockit Program at The Count Basie Theatre on May 9th.

Vai checked in with the following update earlier this week: "Hey folks, Steve here. I just finished a piece of music that will be on my new Modern Primitive record that comes out in late June, I think. I believe it's the greatest piece of music I have ever created. It's 20 minutes long and abstract and beautiful. If you like that bizarre stuff that I do, this will be a feast for you. And for those of you who this type of music resonates with, I just can't wait for you to hear it."

Vai issued the following update last week: "When in Vancouver, Devin Townsend picked me up and we were able to spend some hours together. This shot was taken at this extraordinary little bird sanctuary he took me to. It's always so good to connect with him. And wait until you hear the work that he did on my new record, Modern Primitive, that comes out this summer. The song is called 'The Lost Chord' and his work on it is truly brilliant. It's way out there and I'm very excited for you to hear it."

In 1993, Vai conscripted then unknown singer Devin Townsend for his Sex & Religion album and subsequent tour. Townsend went on to launch Strapping Young Lad in 1994 and carve out his own legendary career in the years that followed.

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