STEVE VAI Posts Artwork Currently On Display At Los Angeles Fathom Gallery

December 19, 2019, 4 years ago

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STEVE VAI Posts Artwork Currently On Display At Los Angeles Fathom Gallery

Guitar legend Steve Vai, who is currently showcasing his artwork at the Fathom Gallery in Los Antgeles for a limited time, has checked in with the following update:

"Being able to display your art at a gallery exhibit is an honor, and quite a surprise and delight for me. I've always felt that the feeling of freedom that comes while expressing abstract creativity is a scared state of being and is available to all of us. The process is liberating and joyful, and the results will always be unique to the creator. These pieces of art that I created were one in innocence and freedom with no judgement or excuses. Just the joy in the freedom of doing it. This elicits the feeling of creative fulfillment, which I believe is our purpose in life, whatever that creative fulfillment is for you."

Vai has posted examples of his work being displayed at the gallery here.

Vai is well-known the world over as a formidable sonic artist - both with his own solo work, and his contributions to some of rock’s biggest names such as Frank Zappa, David Lee Roth, PiL, and Whitesnake; but in recent years Vai has also been exercising artistic chops of another kind: with paint, pen, ink pencil, and even nail polish.

Steve Vai: An Earth Dweller’s Return showcases the musician’s artwork, created on tour and in his home studio.

Says Vai: “A few years ago I was sitting in my hotel room in China and just started doodling on a notepad. I really enjoyed doing it and watching the pieces evolve. I’ve always loved art but never tried to create my own (perhaps my hands were always busy doing something else!) But while on that tour I started to really enjoy drawing while on planes, hotels after a gig, backstage, on the bus, etc.

"When I got home I built an art studio and continued to evolve the work using various mediums. I only had two rules when painting: no thinking and no criticizing the work. I found this to be tremendously liberating. It’s like automatic writing and there is no such thing as a mistake. It’s what it is.”

Taking this artistic exploration further, Vai began painting and drawing on some of his guitars. The show includes Steve’s personal hand-painted guitars, and three exclusive custom-built Ibanez Jem guitars featuring his art, which are available for sale.

Fathom founder Francis Coiro says: “An artist’s creative process has always played a key role in how we choose artists for exhibition. The final image that is created is based on how the artist works and why they approach it from that particular angle. What attracted us to Steve’s work is his dual philosophy of no pressure and no judgement.

"He allows his unconscious to guide the process and because of this, he is able to create unique compositions, informed by his unique life experiences and the visual information he’s been absorbing since childhood.

"Some of the work is freeform with an almost psychedelic residue and others, have a more hieroglyphic vibe that feels connected to the layout and mathematics of music charts.

"Steve Vai’s work has an unmistakable rhythm that comes from a creative process born in the recording studio and applied to the visual arts.”

A portion of the Artist’s proceeds will go to benefit the Make A Noise Foundation, a 501c3 charity providing musical instruments, music education, and musical culture to young musicians who cannot afford to do these things for themselves.

The exhibition began December 7 and runs through January 4.

Fathom Gallery: 12227 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 424-293-8555
Hours: 11 AM - 6 PM Tuesday-Saturday, and by appointment

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