STRYPER To Begin Recording New Album In October

June 14, 2017, 7 years ago

news stryper hard rock

STRYPER To Begin Recording New Album In October

Stryper have checked in with a very brief message on Facebook, revealing that "we're recording a new album in October and touring extensively throughout 2018. It's going to be the best album/tour yet!"

Stay tuned for updates.

In recent months there has been speculation as to whether Stryper bassist Tim Gaines was still part of the line-up due to "personal matters." In November 2016 frontman Michael Sweet alluded to a possible parting of ways during an interview with WSOU (found below) when asked if the band would continue without Gaines.

Sweet: "That remains to be seen, but it's very possible, and I'd probably go as far as to say even probable. But we don't really know quite yet. It's something that very well could happen, absolutely. It is important for the original members to stay together. But, sadly, sometimes things happen that keep that from happening. People make decisions and choices, and, unfortunately, it does affect other people many times, and then you have to re-evaluate things. But that is the ideal situation, for it to be the original line-up. But, you know, sometimes things get in the way of that, and that's sad. But, again, thinking about it more and sleeping on it more, I think about how, you know, if we were to disband or dissolve or stop, it really wouldn't be fair to the fans, it wouldn't be fair to the other guys, and it's important to keep that in mind as well."

Note that as of this writing Gaines there has been no confirmation of Gaines leaving Stryper.

Gaines remarried on May 17th, which should be a happy occasion, but his wife Brandee Renee Gaines has been the victim of haters on social media. On June 1st he addressed the issue via Facebook, taking his "fans" to task:

"Given all of the hype, hatred, and half truths being spewed around social media the last few days, I would like to join in prayer for our friends, loved ones, and enemies alike. My wife has been falsely accused of being 'the devil', a 'whore', a 'home wrecker', a 'bitch', a 'dog', and even a carrier of 'herpes...?' The accusations have come from the 'Christian' community. But in reality, my wife, wrongfully attacked, wants to pray for her enemies. She is a good woman. She doesn't deserve the hatred coming from the Stryper fanbase. I love my wife so much, and it kills me to see some of these so called 'fans' and 'Christians' spew their vile filth. So like my wife, rather than get angry, we will let this pass and pray for our enemies."

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