SUIDAKRA Reveal Cover Artwork For Cimbric Arms Album

September 13, 2018, 5 years ago


SUIDAKRA Reveal Cover Artwork For Cimbric Arms Album

German folk metal band Suidakra have checked in with the following update:

"We are happy to present you the brand new album artwork from Cimbric Yarns. We think Kris Verwimp created an amazing piece of art again!"

Suidakra frontman Arkadius Antonik checked in via Instagram back in February:


Realms Of Odoric, the artwork/soundtrack project from Arkadius Antonik and illustrator Kris Verwimp, released a video for the song "Return To Ankrath", which is animated with the impressive illustrations by Kris Verwimp, giving an insight into the story of the second era.

The album includes 18 tracks with a running time of 44 minutes and tell the story of the second age of Odoric. Due to the study and completion of Arkadius at the Audiocaution Academy, the compositions are much more mature than ever before. For the first time in the history of the project, the recordings were realized with the participation of many guest musicians from all over the world.

“Towering Solitude” (studio video featuring Eva Brönner, Cello):

"Odoric Overture“, played by the Brandenburg State Orchestra:

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