Sweden's SHINING Post Photos From Video Shoot

January 5, 2015, 9 years ago

news black death shining

Sweden's SHINING Post Photos From Video Shoot

Sweden's Shining has released photos taken during the recent video shoot for a track from their upcoming ninth full-length album, which is set to be released via Season Of Mist in the spring. The photos, by Assi Viljanen, have been uploaded onto Shining's Facebook page and can be seen at this location.

The only details regarding the video that Shining is prepared to reveal for the time being is that it is being filmed in Helsinki, Finland and Belgrade, Serbia, and is directed by Martin Strandberg. Strandberg was also responsible for the videos for "Tillsammans Är Vi Allt" and "Förtvivlan, Min Arvedel" from the band’s seventh full length album, VII / Född Förlorare, and is currently working on a "warts and all" documentary about the band.



Commenting on the video, Shining founder and frontman Niklas Kvarforth had this to say: "Although Martin has worked on our videos before, this one will be something quite different from any previous efforts."

The last release from Shining was 8 ½ - Feberdrömmar I Vaket Tillstånd, which appeared on Dark Essence Records in 2013 and featured guest vocals from some of the elite of black metal including Attila Csihar (Mayhem, Tormentor), Maniac (Skitliv, ex-Mayhem), Gaahl (God Seed, Wardruna, Trelldom, ex-Gorgoroth), Famine (Peste Noire) and Pehr Larsson (Alfahanne).  

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