TALES OF THE TOMB Unleash New Music Video "Sinful Messiah"; A Death Metal Story Of David Koresh

September 4, 2019, 4 years ago

news black death tales of the tomb

TALES OF THE TOMB Unleash New Music Video "Sinful Messiah"; A Death Metal Story Of David Koresh

Every town has stories to caution or warn, every police officer has a seen a crime that keeps them awake at night, and every coroner has seen death in ways that the rest of us could never imagine. Murder, conspiracy, supernatural horror, and real-life terror are stains on the cutting room floor where Edmonton-based group Tales Of The Tomb paints their canvas.

Tales Of The Tomb will release their new EP Volume Two: Mendacium September on 27. Volume Two: Mendacium is a collection of narratives surrounding government cover-ups, national lies and the heinous crimes committed amongst the shadows. The album was mixed and mastered by Cryptopsy guitar player and Head Engineer/Owner at The Grid Studios Christian Donaldson. The EP also contains a bonus track about the Japanese horror film Mermaid in a Manhole and features artwork by Tony Midi of Tonymidi Artworks.

Previously unleashing their first single "Nine Eleven", the band has unshackled the follow-up track, "Sinful Messiah", a dark tale of the infamous cult leader David Koresh and the Branch Davidians.

The band explains further: "Our song 'Sinful Messiah' focuses on the cult leader from the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas - David Koresh. The Branch attracted the attention of the ATF when the US postal service flagged a suspicious parcel containing live hand grenades being shipped to their compound. The name 'Sinful Messiah' is ripped from the headline of a newspaper article giving him title; because David believed he was the second coming of Christ. This song was written to sonically recreate the events that took place portraying the level of chaos and confusion created by raids and the siege on the compound. This event has been regarded by some as a publicity stunt in the wake of cult hysteria to paint the ATF in a positive light - leading to a “who shot first?” conspiracy."

Watch a lyric video for the song below:

Unified by the desire to have the grotesque power of ‘90s era death and murder metal, Tales Of The Tomb started as a thought that grew into an insatiable need to make extreme music. Tales Of The Tomb was created in October 2013 from founder Corey Skerlak (Guitar, Vocals) out of inspiration from the original murder metal band Macabre.

Much of their inspiration is drawn from the hideous crimes and conspiracies of the world. Retelling stories of the dark hidden secrets and victims from such crimes. This was the inspiration for the name Tales Of The Tomb.

A sonic attack layered with grinding blast beats, injected with menacing guttural lows -- a sound straight from hell with gore-filled lyrics leaving little to the imagination, destroying your eardrums like a corpse is erased in an acid-filled bath.


“The Nightmare Hall”
“Sinful Messiah”
“Dyatlov Pass Incident”
“Nine Eleven”
“Mermaid In A Manhole”

“Nine Eleven” lyric video:

(Photo by: Kylee Thompson Photography)

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