TURILLI / LIONE RHAPSODY Sign With Nuclear Blast; Debut Album To Be Released This Summer

March 18, 2019, 5 years ago

news turilli / lione rhapsody heavy metal

TURILLI / LIONE RHAPSODY Sign With Nuclear Blast; Debut Album To Be Released This Summer

Turilli / Lione Rhapsody - featuring original Rhapsody members Luca Turilli and Fabio Lione, completed by former Rhapsody members Dominique Leurquin, Patrice Guers and Alex Holzwarth - have signed to Nuclear Blast and King Records (Japan & rest of Asia) for the release of their debut album. The band is currently mixing the album which is set to be released this summer.

Fabio comments: "I just listened to the first mixes and I have no words to describe what we have been able to achieve. The result is from 'another planet' and finally we have reached what we always wanted through great ideas, songs and the hard work of everybody involved, I have been able to deliver the performance I have always dreamt about for this kind of music. The album is almost ready, and we are so proud and excited to be working together with Nuclear Blast and King Records for Asia for the release of it. An album like this deserves the best and strongest record label in metal and we expect them to give the upcoming album the attention and love it deserves. I'm sure people will love our new songs!"

Adds Nuclear Blast A&R / Head Of Promotion Markus Wosgien: "Having this band and our beloved friends Luca Turili and Fabio Lione on Nuclear Blast is a matter of the heart. Our working relationship with them already goes back a decade, when they signed their first deal with us in 2009, followed by the album, The Frozen Tears Of Angels. My personal relationship with them goes back to 1995, when I got the demo tape Eternal Glory from their manager at that time, Limb. I became a fan right from day one, and during the years our paths crossed several times, which led us to becoming friends. It was a question of time about working together and I am more than happy and proud, that we renew our deal for this new chapter in their career, which a year ago wasn’t to be expected. This upcoming new album from Luca and Fabio is simply amazing, they enter a new era and reinforce once again what it means to be true visionaries. You can feel in every single note, that it is coming from the bottom of their hearts. It feels good to see them being reunited both as friends and musicians. And I am proud, that Nuclear Blast keeps on being the partner at their side, building a strong alliance. If your idols become close friends and you trust each other, you’re in the best position possible for the future."

In support of the album, the band setup a crowdfunding campaign to finance the recordings of the album, through which they collected an overwhelming amount of €60,000 from their loyal and dedicated fanbase.

Check out fotage from the studio below.

The Story: Rhapsody’s 20th Anniversary Farewell Tour saw Luca Turilli, Fabio Lione, Dominique Leurquin, Patrice Guers and Alex Holzwarth reunite and return to stage to perform classic Rhapsody songs for one last time. After the end of the Farewell Tour the original plan was for Luca and Fabio to go their own direction with different music projects. Luca Turilli, who recently ended his Luca Turilli's Rhapsody adventure, wanted to abandon the metal genre definitely.

Touring together and sharing the stage once again brought a change of heart. The love of the fanbase, the crowd, as well as the positivity of touring and playing together made Luca and Fabio realize that something new could be brought to the world.

While they were thinking of new possible projects a common vision surfaced and moved the artistic spirit of the two men, still moving them forward to this day. The fundament of this vision, a true mantra for them both: “Rebirth and Evolution”!

After closing their Rhapsody chapter the two friends kept in search of creative, original and innovative ways to express their artistic visions. Luca and Fabio started visualizing their new collaboration. In that creating a whole new generation of symphonic metal, enriched with modern elements typical to music productions they love so much. The excitement for their project grew with each passing day, so the men agreed to realize their vision under a new and clear band name: Turilli / Lione Rhapsody.

Although an enormous group of fans have been waiting for this, record sales aren’t what they used to be. The music industry has changed and evolved a lot over the past 10 years. A change resulting in bands having a lower budget for recording. Having no desire to cut corners and only wanting to give their fans the best of them Turilli / Lione Rhapsody turns to crowdfunding.

Says Luca Turilli: “After the end of the Farewell Tour and the last important experience with my Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, I would have never imagined continuing my activity in the metal genre. But now, after having personally celebrated the classic Rhapsody sound of the origins with our last farewell tour and thanks to the new artistic vision and our new greatly inspiring mantra “Rebirth and Evolution”, I feel honestly very excited for the unlimited artistic possibilities we could finally have while evolving and updating our sound to new frontiers and promoting our fundamental spiritual message of light with the most emotional impact!”

Fabio Lione states: “Yes, we believe a lot in the new Turilli / Lione Rhapsody band, the vision and in the possibility of making new music together presenting something really innovative, modern and fresh, also enriched by the no-compromise sound of the most modern productions. We also believe in the precious contribution of our fans to help us achieving this important goal and to give the possibility to me, Luca, Dominique Leurquin, Patrice Guers and Alex Holzwarth to restart an important new chapter of our music career facing a new album production. We count on you for all this to happen!”

The following Turilli / Lione Rhapsody live dates have been confirmed for 2019

5 - Barcelona, Spain - Rock Fest
9 - Dunaújváros, Hungary - Rockmaraton
11 - Vizovice, Czech Republic - Masters of Rock

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