U.D.O. Feat. German Armed Forces Concert Band MUSIKKORPS der BUNDESWEHR Release “Neon Diamond” Music Video

July 3, 2020, 4 years ago

news heavy metal u.d.o.

U.D.O. Feat. German Armed Forces Concert Band MUSIKKORPS der BUNDESWEHR Release “Neon Diamond” Music Video

U.D.O. and the Musikkorps der Bundeswehr/Band of the German Armed Forces have released their second single and video, "Neon Diamond". Watch the clip below.

In "Neon Diamond", Udo Dirkschneider  shows his entire vocal range in a ballad-like duet with the exceptional singer, Manuela Markewitz.

“The guitar riff immediately reminds you of the time of Metal Heart, plus the incredible voice of the charming Lady Manuela in a duet with Udo, which ensures a great, unique timbre and puts the icing on the cake!"

The new album, We Are One, is due for release on July 17 and can be pre-ordered here.

U.D.O, featuring icon Udo Dirkschneider (the original voice of Accept) presents, together with the renowned Concert Band of the German Armed Forces under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Christoph Scheibling, a unique worldwide musical project.

The album contains 15 new songs that will be released through AFM Records/Soulfood Music. All songs have been developed and arranged by U.D.O. together with Christoph Scheibling. The two former Accept musicians Stefan Kaufmann and Peter Baltes have been part of the songwriting too - as well as the German Armed Forces' composers Guido Rennert and Alexander Reuber. The title of the album, We Are One has been the driving force for everyone involved.

Whatever anyone might think about the 'rock band meets orchestra' collaborations that already exist in the music world, this is far from what We Are One really is. This is one of the most elaborate concept albums the market has ever seen, the hard rocking sound of U.D.O. has not only been intensified by a 60 piece orchestra, but contains some unique arrangements that underline how characteristic yet versatile U.D.O. is.

This project surprises the listener in every aspect, and is a project with a clear statement: We Are One is a critical reflection of a world in which we all leave our mark, and in which we all have to show responsibility.

The songs on We Are One are about the different challenges we are currently facing, climate change ("Future Is The Reason Why"), the worldwide refugee movements ("Live Or Die", "Fridays For Future", "Children Of The World") or the pollution of the environment ("Mother Earth"). With the track "Pandemonium", both parties, U.D.O. as well as the German Armed Forces, also take a clear position against society's right wing. The song "Rebel Town" is a hymn for a 30 years reunited Germany.

This is a project that has made all participants think deeply about the challenges not only for the world, but for their own futures. For Udo Dirkschneider We Are One is a dream that he has had for a long time. Since the show with the Concert Band of the German Armed Forces in Wacken (2015) as well as the Navy Metal Night in Tuttlingen (2014), he fervently wanted to continue and grow the collaboration.

Lieutenant Colonel Christoph Scheibling also agrees: "All composers have done a fantastic job. The songs are excellent and really show the very best of orchestra and band. The album offers a variety that reaches from speed metal to classical metal, from ballad to funk style. As an orchestra, we brought in everything we could, a solo singer, a pipe, a drumline and some oriental percussions included."

Scheibling has been on stage together with U.D.O. in Wacken 2015 already. "The motto back then was Metal, mud and military music", he resumes. "An event that definitely awoke the wish to work together more intensely. Now our crossover project really finds its highlight with We Are One."

U.D.O. and the German Armed Forces are also talking the same language when it comes to the message of We Are One. For the German Armed Forces international, engagements as well as the protection of the environment are two major focus points. Former military areas are becoming integral nature reserves. Soldiers are recruited to fight forest fires and ecological disasters. The German Armed Forces are also supporting the protection of Germany's coastal regions by monitoring the air space to protect it from people polluting the ocean.

"Several songs are pointing out the problems we have with pollution of our environment. We really have some heavy words about our global responsibilty", Christoph Scheibling says. "Never before critical words agains worldwide exaggeration of consumption or all this cyber insanity have been this loud. Never before the voice against protectionism, nationalism and against the right wing have been that intense. Let us join forces for a better planet! We are one!"


"We Are One"
"Love And Sin"
"Future Is The Reason Why"
"Children Of The World"
"Blindfold (The Last Defender)"
"Mother Earth"
"Rebel Town"
"Natural Forces"
"Neon Diamond"
"Beyond Gravity"
"Here We Go Again"
"We Strike Back"
"Beyond Good And Evil"

"We Are One" video:

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