Update: JIMMY PAGE Loses Planning Dispute With Neighbour ROBBIE WILLIAMS

July 8, 2015, 8 years ago

news hard rock jimmy page led zeppelin robbie williams

Update: JIMMY PAGE Loses Planning Dispute With Neighbour ROBBIE WILLIAMS

Robbie Williams has won his battle with guitar legend Jimmy Page over the singer's plans to refurbish his London mansion, reports Express.co.uk’s Robert Kellaway.

Williams, 41, has been involved in a planning dispute with his rock star neighbour since buying the former home of the late film director Michael Winner for £17.5million. He withdrew two sets of plans after Page objected, claiming any work could damage his historically important neighbouring west London home.



Williams came up with fresh plans in March to which Page once again objected. The plans included alterations to every floor, the removal of a swimming pool and gym, new air conditioning, minor excavation and the demolition and replacement of a garage.

Page's neighbouring Tower House is regarded as one of the most important properties in west London and was once saved from demolition by the poet Sir John Betjeman. And Page, 71, fears vibration from any work could damage his property and also said the proposed garage was "extremely unfortunate in architectural terms". He backed up his claims with letters from conservation architects and engineers.

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