VERSE VICA Streaming "Ravenholm" Single; Free Download Available

September 8, 2014, 9 years ago

news heavy metal verse vica

VERSE VICA Streaming "Ravenholm" Single; Free Download Available

As prosaic pop culture drives an entire generation of music lovers to seize more challenging aural thrills, step forward progressive metal rising stars, Verse Vica, who have announced that their debut album, Endeavor, will be released worldwide on October 6th. A stream of the "Ravenholm" single, including a free track download, ca be found below.



Formed in North Carolina and fresh to the prog metal scene, Verse Vica are a band fast on the rise, citing influences such as Animals as Leaders, The Contortionist and Between The Buried And Me. Their stellar full-length debut effort, Endeavor, is a 41 minute musical hybrid, journeying through the realms of prog, metal and post rock, effortlessly weaving from pounding aggression through fret board gymnastics to intelligent captivating melodies. With vocals mixed and the full record mastered by Jamie King (BTBAM, The Contortionist, Scale The Summit), the band plan to release an instrumental version of the album alongside the full version with vocals.

Guitarist Paul Meisner explains what fans should expect from the band’s first full-length: "Endeavor represents everything we love about modern progressive metal. Our goal when writing the album was to have it be a single cohesive and unbroken piece of music, yet still allow each song to retain their own unique identity. Whether someone wants to listen to it all at once, or if they want to break it up instead, each will be a different experience. Either way, we really hope people enjoy the record and we can't wait to share it with everyone!"




"Cities I: Cerulean"
"Cities II: Saffron"

"Ravenholm" stream / download:

Album teaser:


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