Wendy Dio Reveals Plans For 5th Anniversary Of RONNIE JAMES DIO's Passing; Video Streaming

December 4, 2014, 9 years ago

news heavy metal ronnie james dio

Wendy Dio Reveals Plans For 5th Anniversary Of RONNIE JAMES DIO's Passing; Video Streaming

Speaking with journalist Lucas H Gordon, Ronnie James Dio's widow, Wendy Dio, reveals plans for what will be the  5th anniversary of the passing of the metal legend.

Says Wendy: "We're going to do a very big, big... for the fans... everybody can come, all over the world - we're going to do a big memorial at Forest Lawn in L.A., where he's buried. That's going to be on the 16th of May, which is his burial day. The day before we're going to do a celebrity-bowl here, because we want to make things for fans coming from all over the world, things for them to do. And then on the 17th, after the memorial, we're doing a Ride For Ronnie with the motorcycles - we end up in a park, with a barbecue. It's going to be a big, big celebration of Ronnie's life in music."

Watch the video interview below:


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