X JAPAN - New York Comic Con Press Conference Footage Available

October 12, 2014, 9 years ago

news x japan heavy metal

X JAPAN - New York Comic Con Press Conference Footage Available

Internationally renowned rock icons X Japan performed at Madison Square Garden in New York City on October 11th. The concert was sponsored by the New York Comic Con, and the band made a couple press conference appearances at the event. Fan-filmed footage is available below:

The conference featured below was originally a Yoshiki/Stan Lee panel about their comic book collaboration, Blood Red Dragon. With Stan Lee unfortunately not able to make it to the New york Comic Con, Yoshiki instead brought out the other X Japan members for a Q&A; after briefly introducing the comic book:

X Japan has had a notoriously tumultuous career, even among the world of rock, which includes the loss of two of its five founding members to tragic death. Amid death and breakups, the band has steadfastly maintained X Japan's vision and this year brought themselves together to perform where their US story started, in New York City.

X Japan have released a Greatest Hits album, entitled The World, commemorating their 25th Anniversary. It features remastered versions of their most popular songs and includes a live version of the song "Without You" never befoer released on CD. The limited edition bonus DVD features a World Tour Trailer from 2009 to 2011 and a photo book

The tracklist is as follows:

Disc 1

"Silent Jealousy"
"Rusty Nail"
"Endless Rain"
"Week End"
"Kurenai" (strings intro)

"Forever Love"
"Amethyst" (The Last Live version)

"X" (The Last Live version)

"Without You" (live version)

Disc 2

"Art Of Life"

Disc 3 (DVD)

Exclusive Trailer: World Tour 2009 - 2011

Go to this location for format information and to purchase.

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