ENTHRONED - Obsidium

February 23, 2012, 12 years ago


Chris Tighe

Rating: 8.0

enthroned review

ENTHRONED - Obsidium

Up to the early 2000's ENTHRONED were a run-of-the-mill black metal unit, faceless among the hordes of corpse painted nihilists. Their 2002 album Carnage In Worlds Beyond changed their status dramatically though. Learning that you can only keep a convicted axe murderer engaged by blasting away non-stop over the course of an album, the Belgium based unit extended their fanbase by improving their song writing. Their latest album, Obsidium, proves the band haven't forgotten this lesson. While retaining the requisite hard charging blitzkrieg attack, they also insert memorable, punishing slow sections and some enticing melodic guitar phrasing to add depth and differentiation. Abstaining from utilizing old school production values, all instruments are gloriously discernible, allowing the power to come through clearly. Cutting to the chase though, it's simply a case that Enthroned write better songs than most of the competition.

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