February 1, 2007, 17 years ago
(Century Media)
Y’know how when you see anything on Lifeforce Records (with a couple exceptions) you kinda know what it’s going to sound like without hearing it? Melodic Gothen-thrash with a hardcore edge, beefed up by a perfect production and accented by totally forgettable high-register Lindberg-esque screams? And you know how at this point it makes you want to scream? Because even when it’s done as perfect as it possibly could be, like this latest from Lifeforce alumni Fear My Thoughts, it’s dull as can be? Okay, you do, I can stop asking questions. Man, it almost hurts to have to say it, because listening to this disc, it’s clear these guys shred, know how to compose a good song, and are fans of heavy music. They’re probably having a blast too, but the trouble lies in the fact that it’s a genre that’s been completely oversaturated. I actually like the vocals of Mathias Ockl, and who could ask for better guitar work? But man, an hour (!) of this is almost agony at this point. Who knows, if they spread their wings and did something different they could be a powerhouse. As is, if I was blindfolded and had a gun to my head while some lunatic wearing a tattered At The Gates long-sleeve forced me to ID this, well, I’d be dead. Highlight: the technical yet grooving instrumental title track. If the band expanded more in this direction, we’d be in business.