IRON REAGAN - Worse Than Dead

May 23, 2013, 11 years ago

(Magic Bullet Records/A389 Records)

Greg Pratt

Rating: 7.5

review iron reagan

IRON REAGAN - Worse Than Dead

With two dudes from MUNICIPAL WASTE involved and a name like IRON REAGAN, it should become pretty clear pretty quick what this one's all about: pure '80s old-school crossover love. With nary a melody in sight, this one brings to mind, pretty fast and furious, the greats: D.R.I. and on the metal side of things, NUCLEAR ASSAULT during their more hardcore moments. The band also features in their ranks two guys who used to do time in metallic hardcore trailblazers DARKEST HOUR, so the chops are there, and it shows, every song being solid and sturdy, played well, with lots of competence and a good sense of fun, tempos ranging from hysterical to even more hysterical, stopping now and again to break it down to a mosh-ready groove before stepping back up to triple-time. The only conundrum is clear, and it's kinda like the thrash revival bands: do we need new material like this or do we just pull out the classics when we need our fix? Depends on what kinda lugnut you are, but if you live and die for crossover (and I know those people exist), this one's gonna be a ton of fun for you.

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