JESU - Jesu

December 14, 2004, 20 years ago

(Hydra Head)

Greg Pratt

Rating: 7.0

review jesu

JESU - Jesu

Best known as the main Godflesh guy, Justin Broadrick is back with his latest project, Jesu. And fans of his previous industrial-toned, misery-drenched, oppressive sounds will no doubt find appeal in this lengthy, laborious disc. But he's toned down the screaming and the aggression a tad, making this one appeal to folks into the more atmospheric, droning sounds as well. Either way, it still sounds like the soundtrack to writing a suicide note to me, but for some reason I'm quite enjoying this one, that desolate cover art reeling me in and the songs refusing to let me go back to the land of the living once they've got me in their clutches. Buyer beware, as this is serious stuff, but pretty rewarding: if you can make it through the filth and muck of Broadrick's mind, you may come out the other side feeling that much richer.

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