MARDUK - Warschau
August 2, 2006, 18 years ago
With only two years removed from the release of their essential live DVD (Funeral Marches & Warsongs) and already having two live CDs in their catalogue, one could question the motivation behind the issuance of this live disc. If it was to prove that Marduk still kick copious butt with their new vocalist Mortuus or to show how their recent Plague Angel material stands up next to tracks from the band’s storied catalogue, then mission easily accomplished. Mortuus’ gargle vocals roar impressively and the Swedish black metal war machine still attack their material (old and new) and crowd with astonishing bestial ferocity. If there are any other motivations, they are rendered inconsequential in the face of this blitzkrieg. There’s absolutely no disputing panzer division Marduk’s place as one of the most violent Christ-raping black metal bands on this battle scarred planet.