MISERY INDEX - Discordia

May 25, 2006, 18 years ago


David Perri

Rating: 8.5

misery index review

MISERY INDEX - Discordia

Having thought Misery Index’s 2003 effort, Retaliation, was nothing short of splendid death metal genius (a claim I still stand behind), expectations for Discordia were no doubt high. And, for the most part, Misery Index’s latest (and first for Relapse) lives up to the group’s own shattering standards combining - like last time - pure death, grind and, every now and then, all sorts of killer groove. This makes for the perfect death metal dish, one that transcends the median and elevates the subgenre into the realms everyone once thought it could achieve. Discordia is inventive material, music that plays well and reads even better – as is the case with all Misery Index records, there are serious criticisms of consumerism and modern-day capitalism to be found here. Top highlights have got to be the superb ‘Meet Reality’ and ‘Sensory Deprivation’ (though ‘Outsourcing Jehova’ takes the prize for best track title), both songs amongst the best Misery Index has ever written. This band tours consistently, so make sure to check ‘em out when they hit your place of residence.

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