MISERY INDEX - Live In Munich
May 10, 2013, 11 years ago
(Season Of Mist Records)
Man, right off the bat, it's a huge blow to fans of MISERY INDEX, one of the greatest grind bands of today, to hear the recording quality of this live album, which has one of the worst drum sounds I've come across in a while. Adam Jarvis (PIG DESTROYER) is an amazing drummer, and here he sounds like he's playing an electronic kit, which also happens to be triggered. It sounds silly, it sounds atrocious, and the fact that it's coming from an amazing drummer in an amazing band is what makes it really a shame. See these dudes live, please: they're amazing. Get their albums, they're all great. But I can't get past the sound presented here. Pretending I can (or focusing on songs where the drums sound a bit better for whatever reason, like the incredible 'Traitors'), the track listing proves that the band does what they do without peer: frantic grindcore that has the energy of the masters of grind and crust (ASSUCK, HIS HERO IS GONE) with the viciousness of modern death metal and a whiplash groove that is without peer. But this sounds insane. Buy an album. See them live. I love this band in a huge way. But let's just pretend this didn't happen, okay? (Need further proof that I'm not being totally out of control? You know how sometimes metal bands start songs live with a four count on the snare? Check out this album's 'The 7th Calvary' for the stupidest sounding example of that, ever.)