NEVERMORE - This Godless Endeavor
September 1, 2005, 19 years ago
(Century Media)
Like everyone else, I was pretty pissed with Kelly Gray’s hack production job on Enemies Of Reality. That record seriously smoked the entire competition, its riffs and solos totally in a category of their own circa summer 2003. Enemies Of Reality was a Nevermore effort that should have brought more applause, as its manic-addled contempo-thrash was an adrenaline marvel. ‘Twas not to be though, and the album slinked slowly to an abnormally short (hype) conclusion due to that aforementioned production mistake. Anyway, This Godless Endeavor is the next stride in Nevermore’s development, and its step-backward-to-go-forward mentality is more than evident. While no Dreaming Neon Black conceptual piece, its tone and spirit are closest to that album, though Dead Heart In A Dead World also makes its own metaphysical presence felt through the cohesive nature of the affair. The songs, for the most part, are mid-tempo to mildly fast, incorporating a lot of groove (per usual), and some anthemic showmanship for the eventual live circuit. There really are no faults here, Nevermore’s class and solid metallic upbringing still entirely apparent and relevant, its multi-dimensional character and purpose steadfastly in place. So yeah, we get all of Nevermore (seven) faces on This Godless Endeavor, as the group showcases what’s brought it fame, acclaim and an inevitable legacy in our circles. It’s just too bad a lot of that sick speed from Enemies Of Reality isn’t found on This Godless Endeavour.