August 20, 2002, 21 years ago

(Martyr Music)

Greg Pratt

Rating: 9.0

review prototype


This is a surprising change of pace from the usual scary Satanic death and black metal that World War III releases. Prototype play a classy progressive metal, with enough diversity to keep all enthralled. There is some serious off-tempo manipulation in the first song that will leave all jaws dropped, but for the most part, the band doesn't hit you over the head with a barrage of mathematics, instead toying with smart melodies and subtle instrumental trickery, not unlike earlier Queensryche with a thrashier edge to it. The drumming is snappy, smooth and flowing; almost hypnotic in its fluidity. Prototype utilize just the right amount of musical progression, melodies and heaviness to keep most parties happy, and they don't get bogged down with ballads or long songs; ten songs in 44 minutes here, with a few welcome respites into somber acoustics and thoughtful quiet segues. Trinity is nothing short of a prog metal classic, next to Transcendence, Rage For Order and Images And Words, and is worth every penny you need to spend to get it.

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