May 29, 2012, 12 years ago
(Metal Blade)
Album number nine for death metal legends SIX FEET UNDER marks a drastic turning point in the band’s career. Gone are original drummer Greg Gall and bassist Terry Butler – both had been with vocalist Chris Barnes, formerly of CANNIBAL CORPSE, since SFU’s 1995 debut Haunted. Joining guitarist Steve Swanson on this nefarious platter is Kevin Talley (CHIMAIRA, DYING FETUS, DAATH) on drums and Rob Arnold (also of Chimaira) on guitar and bass. Album opener ‘Frozen At The Moment Of Death’ immediately eradicates any doubt of the lineup change being detrimental. Quite the opposite in fact, as the band is at its most ferocious ever. Lyrically, Barnes can be found “playing with the decomposed” and performing “clitoral surgery” in ‘Formaldehyde’. Not to belittle the first six songs, which are all bludgeoning in their own right, but the second half of Undead, beginning with ‘Reckless’ is much catchier and by allowing for a little more breathing room, the anger and malcontent are magnified. With each of the 12 tracks clocking in at less than four minutes, there’s no time for chivalry; it’s straight to the “post murder dismemberment.”