VENOM - Fallen Angels

January 2, 2012, 13 years ago


Chris Tighe

Rating: 7.0

review venom

VENOM - Fallen Angels

The latest Cronos-led incarnation of VENOM have issued three forgettable full lengths to date (Resurrection, Metal Black and Hell), all of which undoubtedly bored the tears out of ol' Beelzebub himself. The major misgiving with these releases was the slow tempos applied to songs that croaked under the strain. Lesson clearly learned, the legendary unit kick in with some old school speed on this latest release, thankfully providing more than simple variations of 'Teacher's Pet'. Cronos curmudgeonly still rants on about Satan and his 'unique' bass sound can still best be described as a sloppy, blubbering cacophony, but that's what we've come to expect, isn't it ? Of course, Venom have long since passed the age of being able to go toe-to-toe with the newer breed of black metal warriors, but this release will appease those who still openly admit to being in league with Satan after all of these years.

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