W.A.S.P. - The Neon God Part 2 - The Demise

December 20, 2004, 20 years ago


Greg Pratt

Rating: 6.5


W.A.S.P. - The Neon God Part 2 - The Demise

Call me a sucker, but I can't help but enjoy a traditional W.A.S.P. album; all the songs sounds pretty much the same, but between the galloping beats and Blackie's excellent voice, it's a recipe for a rollickin' good metal time. Here, the man continues the story started on The Neon God Part 1, but who gives a hoot? No one, actually, and thankfully this album is less concept album-sounding and more straight-up hard rock. The clunky production sound (c/o Lawless himself) ain't helping matters any, but thankfully the tunes and, as always, the voice carry the album along in fine, melodramatic fashion. Catchy stuff, surprisingly tasteful, and very party-worthy, despite the more literate aspirations. But, of course, we've heard it before from the man, and we'll probably hear it again, making this album good but kinda redundant in the grand scheme of metal architecture.

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