WARHAMMER - Curse Of The Absolute Eclipse
August 8, 2002, 22 years ago
(Nuclear Blast)
Four records in, this German metal revival show continue in their quest to revive and recall all things Celtic Frost, even though bio materials swear up and down as to the band's Hellhammer obsession, Hellhammer of course being a rougher one-EP incarnation of Warrior's warriors. But really, despite the punk rock bashing, the archival vocals, the random and unresolving riffing, and through it all, the headbanging 4/4 churn, there's at least a modicum of attention paid (quite thankfully) to production, so there we have it, early, raucous Frost, cryogenically thawed, re-articulated and reticulated for you in '02. Man, why things like this happen just makes me scratch my head at human folly, but you gotta admit, there's a magic in playing stupid and tanked-up, a magic that indeed fired up punk, grunge, early black metal, and of course, the early DIY thrash of Bathory, Venom and the Swiss near-misses in Celtic Frost.