WHITE SKULL - Under This Flag

July 20, 2012, 12 years ago


Mark Gromen

Rating: 6.0

review white skull

WHITE SKULL - Under This Flag

Best known as a female fronted Italian power metal outfit, WHITE SKULL have a checkered history (including lean years with male vocalists following Chris “GRAVE DIGGER” Boltendahl’s initial involvement). Now, for the first time since 2001, original singer Fredric Sister has returned to the fold. However, in the interim, the role of female vocalist has changed radically from the gravel-throated she-Boltendahl/Sabina Claussen (HOLY MOSES) variety, be it the increased extremity of Angela Gossow (ARCH ENEMY) or the EPICA/NIGHTWISH inspired gothic fem-metal. Sister tries her hand at both styles. Following a short, atmospheric intro, ‘Hunted Down’ kicks into that traditional metal mode (complete with backing gang choruses), hoarse voiced anthems that belie their nationality, belonging squarely in the Teutonic flagwavers’ camp. Is every lyric clear? Between the accent and raspy delivery, Hell no, but that doesn’t hinder anything. ‘Red Devil’ sees the vocalist thrust to the front of the sound more prominently, with subtle/restrained musical sections. However, the poppy ‘Loast Alone’ and full blown ballad ‘A.O.D.’ owe a debt to the aforementioned operatic outfits, Sister doing her best to mimic that range, with mixed results.

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