WIDOW - Carved In Stone

June 28, 2016, 7 years ago

(Pure Steel)

Mark Gromen

Rating: 8.0

review heavy metal widow

WIDOW - Carved In Stone

Acoustic guitar, eventually joined by electric, then a second electric, soloing over top, such is the start of “Burning Star”, the lead track on the first Widow album in five years. An infectious mix of traditional metal/hard rock, the occasional speed, sing-along choruses and filled with more hooks than a bait & tackle shop. Conversely, the title track (up second) abruptly stops with a lone acoustic. Gritty, double track six-strings and a bit more tempo greet “Wisdom”, while the suddenly omnipresent acoustic (more power outages than a Carolina hurricane!) dominates the “Time on Our Side” ballad. 

“Live By The Flame” threatens to be another ballad, albeit more progressive (audible fingers sliding on strings), but repeatedly bursts forth. Can almost see John E. Wooten IV (bass/vocals) and Chris Bennett (on guitars & Crown Royal) onstage, swaying in time next to each other. Sure to be a live favorite, the avenue at which Widow truly show their (ahem!) mettle. “Let It Burn” recalls the 70s, featuring a short, acoustic break midway through and “Nighttime Turn” contains some of Bennett's best moments. Despite numerous forays to overseas festivals (even traveling to Australia, for one gig!), shame these guys have been so hidden, here in the States. Maybe it's time for that to change.

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