June 28, 2016, 8 years ago
Reporting on a long established artist, with an unwavering stylistic track record seems counterproductive. Does one really expect AC/DC to change things up? While no one buys a Malmsteen record to hear the talented guitarist sing, the Swede has ditched the hired guns behind the microphone on the last couple of platters. On the opening, title track, he restricts himself to repeating the titular phrase between sweeps and shredding. Surprise, surprise, “Abandon” includes a short drum solo! Speaking of short, five of the 11 compositions are mere ideas, clocking in under 3:30, and three of those barely crack two minutes!
After several tracks with plenty of neo-classical speed, “Lost In The Machine” adopts a mid-paced heaviness, complete with a full set of lyrics (the initial such song, of the initial five), although the title is predominately the chorus. “Largo” is the first true classical adaptation. “No Rest For The Wicked” is a number I'd like to see/hear performed live: commencing like an enlivened soundtrack for a DeBeers ad, then dropping into all out rock mode. Nice! “Soldier” is the third and final cut with Yngwie's voice. The concluding “Nacht Musik”, another symphony-inspired piece, is a few seconds under six minutes, the lengthiest offering. While the World On Fire title is a bit of a misnomer, in terms of the (lack of speed) temperament on this record, there's plenty of traditional Malmsteen talent/ bravado/ genius/ bluster (take your pick) on display.