YYRKOON - Occult Medicine

March 9, 2005, 19 years ago

(Osmose/The End)

Chris Bruni

Rating: 8.0

review yyrkoon

YYRKOON - Occult Medicine

First time being accustomed to this French outfit who will seemingly get a big break on their new label and their new lease in sound, Occult Medicine flourishing forth like the monster that has been itching to be unleashed after all these years. Indeed, Yyrkoon ccreate a traditional brutal death metal blueprint, and then work around it with elements that can be forged from the good moments of Testament, the odd nod to Carcass' Heartwork, the slight, but warmer hint of Zyklon, and the odd taste of melodic metal, while generating that hard-hitting feeling that fellow French lunatics Arkhon Infaustus spewed forth with their immense debut (although admittedly, this is not as perverse as those guys). Luckily, Yyrkoon have a focused picture ahead of them, a solid paradigm and sound that should propel their stature to the next level.

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