Guitarist DAVE NAVARRO Answers Fan Questions About JANE'S ADDICTION Los Angeles Club Show

November 2, 2008, 15 years ago

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As previously reported, JANE'S ADDICTION performed on Thursday, October 23rd at La Cita Bar in downtown Los Angeles, California. Guitarist Dave Navarro recently took some questions from fans on the experience. His answers appear below:

Q: At several points during the show you gave Eric (Avery) wide eyed looks and at one point mouthed "WOW!" What was running through your mind during that set?

Navarro: "So much! Even though we hadn't performed together in a live setting for many many years, it is amazing how the ability to communicate across the stage with a simple look or word comes back as though no time has passed. The 'wow' you are asking about probably conveyed a few things:

1) This is amazing to be playing together with the full line up again.

2) It's fuckin' loud in here. Can you hear yourself OK?

3) This little room really feels like the old days in a profoundly great way.

4) Don't you love how close the audience is?

5) Watch your head! Low ceiling!

6) $150,000 on clothes? Is she kidding with that?"

Q: When's the last time you've listened to a Jane's album completely through?

Q: "Hmmm. That's hard to say. I am more of an iTunes/iPod shuffle guy so I don't think I have listened to anything all the way through for quite some time. Generally I will skip when something I have worked on comes on but only because I always have memories and emotional connections to the songs. When I am in the music listening mood, I like the memories and emotions of other artists to add to my day."

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