SISTER SIN - New Interview Available; Singer Liv Breaks Down Switchblade Serenades Track-By-Track

November 10, 2008, 15 years ago

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Sweden's SISTER SIN is currently on the road and performed at The Webster Theatre in Hartford, CT in support of their latest release, Switchblade Serenades. Singer Liv from Sister Sin recently spoke to BW&BK; correspondent Deb Rao regarding the current tour, rock influences, and performing in New York City on the same night as the US Presidential election.

Q: How is the tour going so far?

Liv: "It has been going great. Some places are not so great but some places have been awesome. So that has how it is. The audience has been a little bit different from when you are playing the South states, where the audience has been very, very good. The big cities they were a little bit more tired."

Q: Also you performed in New York City on the night of the Presidential election. Tell us about your experience in the US on the night of the election of President Barack Obama?

Liv: "It was like weird. I come from Sweden and to perform on Election Day. We went out in the streets and everyone was screaming Obama, after the show late at night. It was quite the experience."

Q: Sister Sin has released your latest album, Switchblade Serenades. Were you influenced by 80's music at all with bands such as MÖTLEY CRÜE and MOTÖRHEAD? I noticed the band does a rendition of the Motörhead song, 'Make My Day' and I can hear a lot of the '80's influences in your sound?

Liv: "Yes, we have a lot of the influences from the '80's. We like to bring back a little bit of that old school metal. We are a little bit tired of the new stuff. It is like too much of the new stuff right now. We want to bring back some of the true metal from the 80's. We are influenced by Mötley Crüe, Motörhead, JUDAS PRIEST and W.A.S.P. Bands like that are big influences to all of us in the band. We love Motörhead, so we wanted to do a song to celebrate their music. We have done that songs for a couple of years Live. I thought we should try and do it on the record. It went real well, so we put it on the record."

Q: What does the title of your album Switchblade Serenades denote to you?

Liv: "It was the bass guitar player wrote the one ballad on our record called 'Switchblade Serenade'. I don’t know really why he came up with that name. Because he had never heard of Spread Eagle song 'Switchblade Serenade'. The song is sort of a murder ballad. It fits very well with the Switchblade Serenades. I think we just found the name and when we talked about what the record would be called we would come back to that name all of the time. So it is nothing to do with the Spread Eagle song."

Q: How do you find the audiences differ in Sweden than playing in the US? Also, you performed at the Sweden Rock Festival this past summer. What was the highlight of that experience as a band?

Liv: "It is not so different. Because people here have been very good. I feel like they like our music. Many people are a little bit tired of the music scene. They like the old school back. I think we have been very welcomed here. I don't think it is so much different from Sweden. Sweden is a good country to play in. The Sweden Rock Festival was amazing. It is the biggest metal festival in Sweden. I go there every year for like five or six years. I have been there every year looking at bands. To be playing at that place was like one of my personal goals. We were so excited to be there."

Q: What are Sister Sin's current touring plans?

Liv: We have like 3 and 1/2 weeks left here. We are the whole November out. The we go back to Sweden for one week. Then we are touring with Arch Enemy in Germany.

Q: What does your set list consist of on the current tour and is there anything else that you would like to say about Switchblade Serenades?

Liv: "We play like 30 minutes. We do songs from the album and 'Make My Day'. If you like good old school metal with a little bit newer touch than you should listen to Sister Sin. Come check us out."

Liv from Sister Sin breaks down Switchblade Serenades track-by-track:

l. 'Beat The Street' - "This is like a punch in the face song we have on the album. I think it is a good track to rock out to."

2. 'Death Will Greet Us' - "This is a song that is good driving in the car listening to good rock."

3. 'One Out Of Ten' - "It is a little bit more melodic. This is my favourite. I like the melody and the chorus. It is a little bit more classic rock maybe?"

4. 'Breaking New Ground' - "This a little like a punch in the face more style of a rock song."

5. 'On Parole' - "It is the first single out. I would say it is the most commercial song that we have. I like it."

6. 'Make My Day' - "That is the Motörhead cover. It is a wonderful song. It is like straight thru your heart and a punch in the stomach."

7. 'Hostile-Violent' - "It is a really angry. If you listen to that song maybe you can get out of the rage maybe?"

8. 'Switchblade Serenade' - "It is a little bit of a murder ballad. It is a love song with a twist. You have to listen to the lyrics on that one to get the whole story."

7. 'Love/Hate' - "That is a little bit Scandinavian people are very polite and in control of about everything. But when they go out to another country, they like lose their minds and drink too much and become sometimes ugly and stuff like that. So it is like Scandinavians do whatever they want when they are on holiday or out of the country. So that is what the song is referring to."

8. 'All Systems Go!' - "It is a song that tells you not to listen to negative things that people say. Just follow your heart. Because if you want something bad enough it will happen."

9. 'Eye To Eye' - "It is a song about if you are mad about something or someone."

Sister Sin - 'On Parole':

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