"DARK FUNERAL Vs MNW/No Fashion Records Dispute Finally Over"

November 24, 2008, 15 years ago

news life in black dark funeral mnw

Guitarist Lord Ahriman has issued the following update on behalf of Swedish black metallers DARK FUNERAL:

"Dark Funeral vs MNW/No Fashion Records dispute finally over!

Seven years of pure bullshit has finally come to an end…..un-fuckin'-believable!!!

Without going into any details, (which I'm not allowed to either), what’s most important here and now is that we finally have obtained the rights to our back catalogue, including the publishing rights. That includes: The Secrets Of The Black Arts, Vobiscum Satanas, Teach Children To… and Diabolis Interium.

And from now on, NO one but Caligula and I own the rights to above mentioned albums. One may believe I/we would be totally thrilled about this, be running around in pentagrams, throwing bibles in a fire and whatnot, but I honestly feel pretty empty. Guess it’ll take a while to let it all sunk in to realize that this battle finally is over, after seven fucking years! I’m sure I’ll get it all eventually…and celebrate it one way or another. But right now I feel nothing.

Anyway, somehow I feel that this is already old news, an old chapter in our dark saga. And I won’t spend any more of my valuable time to ever put “their” name in my mouth again. So let us just put this behind us immediately. Let us now focus on gathering some new energy, look at the future - a future without label hassles and such utterly bullshit. It’s time to set full course to complete the new album, booking new tours among many other grand things, which I know many of you are waiting for. Basically, let´s get busy again, and foremost enjoy being busy again!

PS. Please respect the fact that we won’t answer any questions regarding this, already old and forgotten news!"

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