THE HAUNTED - Attention All North American Fans

November 27, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news the haunted

Peter Dolving, vocalist for Swedish thrashers THE HAUNTED, has issued the following call to arms:

"To ALL US and Canada-fans...

Hey folks!

South American, Asian and Australian shows have been intense as fuck and sweeter than Holly Hunter. There's a couple of clips up on YouTube from the Bogota-show, I'm sure you'll find them if you care enough to look.

So here's the deal. We are putting a US tour together shortly after the EU-tour we do with ALL THAT REMAINS. I can't tell you yet what the other bands are but it's gonna be a diverse and yes, very cool billing (I know, but I'm not allowed to say yet... oh well) and we hope you'll enjoy it. Anyway, we need your help OK?

We are being told that it's hard to find the record in stores and finding information about us in the good North Americas, so basically we need you to get out there and reprazent. Hound your local promotor, your local record-store or the closest semi-worthwhile hang out with anything The Haunted. Call your radio station. Write your local newspaper. Warn the PTA (I'm not fucking kidding...) and the local churches. Tag walls or make your own flyers and place them at cafes, record stores and fuck-what-not. Make t-shirts. Paint walls. Let people know Versus exists. The Haunted want you!

No my friends, It's not gonna jump out and grab people all by itself, and we sure as fuck won't be able to come to you and play unless there are others where you are who also want us to come lay down the metal.

So help us out, do what you can.

Peace! / Pete"

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