FRAMESHIFT Mastermind's '80s Metal Project SHADOW'S MIGNON To Be Released February 10th; Now Available For Pre-Order, Audio Samples Online

December 7, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news shadow mignon frameshift

As previously reported, FRAMESHIFT mastermind Henning Pauly has resurfaced with a new metal project, SHADOW'S MIGNON, featuring TRANSMISSION vocalist Juan Roos. ProgRock records has issued the following press release:

Henning Pauly is most widely known for his two ground breaking CD’s under the moniker FRAMESHIFT, the first with James LaBrie, the second with Sebastian Bach. He also released two albums with his band CHAIN and three solo albums, the last one Babysteps was the last time we heard from him in the summer of 2006, but now he’s back with vocalist Juan Roos who last worked with him on his solo album Credit Where Credit is Due the year before.

SHADOW'S MIGNON was born out of an idea Henning Pauly had one day. He heard some classic metal in the car and decided to try to write some music in this style on his own. He employed the help of singer Juan Roos to give the project the definite metal vocal sound. At some point Keyboard player Stephan Kernbach brought over his Roland D50 for the official 80's keyboard sounds. He laid down some parts of his own, especially his signature Hammond B3 playing.

The music of the band is everything you would expect from the glory days of the '80s when guitar solos still screamed and vocals soared just like the eagles and dragons they were singing about. The album also features a few of the "must-have" ballads with all the classic chorusy guitars and keyboard sounds.

"We were able to do so many things and use so many sounds we are told we 'can't use anymore' today because they are out of date, so we went back to our roots and made music that cannot live without them," says Henning.

"Henning has been with me almost since the beginning of the label, I think of him as an insanely talented little brother and I always enjoy what he puts out and this CD really took me back to the days when Dio ruled my turntable.", said Shawn Gordon, President of ProgRock Records.

Midnight Sky Masquerade is the latest project from Henning Pauly released on ProgRock Records and can be found at this location. This is a great album for those that enjoy '80s metal. The album is available for immediate order and will ship in late December and be available at your favorite brick and mortar retailer on February 10, 2009. Presales are discounted $2 on the ProgRock Records site until the album starts shipping.

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