MICHALE GRAVES - Perkins' 14 Movie Trailer And Interview Available

December 14, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news michale graves

Michale Graves (ex-MISFITS) is featured in a new interview with Fangoria, billed as "America's #1 Horror Magazine." An excerpt is available below.

Fangoria: Let’s begin with your role in the upcoming film Perkins’ 14. I’ve read the plot synopsis on IMDB and several other sites on the internet and the ideas behind the story stand out as fresh and innovative. In your own words, give me your take on the story.

Graves: "The film came about through a New York based company called Massify which is an online community and network system that offers a platform for registered actors, screenwriters, artists, directors etc. to promote themselves and other projects they might be involved with. Perkins’ 14 was developed through an online competition. After a final idea for the story was voted on as the winner, a separate round of casting then allowed actors who were registered at Massify.com to upload audition videos and vie for the films leading roles. AfterDark Films co-sponsored the winning film to present it as part of their ongoing series 8 Films To Die For."

Fangoria: Can you tell us a bit about your character, Eric Ross?

Graves: "Eric Ross is the town weirdo striving for his rock-n-roll dreams, doing things that a young punk teenager does. Eric learns how fast the whole world can change and how all of a sudden the world becomes strikingly real even as everything around him becomes so much more surreal. Eric is stripped down to his basic human layers as are all of the characters because we must face our own mortality within the story."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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