SHINING - Swedish Anti Humanitarian Art Explained

December 18, 2008, 15 years ago

news life in black shining

Swedish black metallers SHINING have issued the following message from singer Niklas Kvarforth:

"In the last couple of days, pictures of me "partying" with some fans somewhere in Europe have been circulating on the net. And on a couple of them I make an impression of a German soldier doing the worldwide forbidden "sieg heil" gesture.

Of course, I mean nothing by this as it was merely a stupid thing we did to amuse ourselves and the people present, quite possibly during an abnorm intoxication of alcohol, drugs or both, as was the case back then!

I have now undergone treatment and completely quit using drugs for the record.

The point is, Shining is absolutely not a political band, have never been, nor is any member of the band supporting national socialistic ideals or any form of racial discrimination.

Shining is a extreme band who openly glorify a very dark side of life, however, I have always said (in countless interviews throughout the years as in private) that I do not give a flying fuck wheter you are black, white, jewish or hindu.

Because in my eyes ALL humans are equally worthless.

Enough said..."

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