DENDURA Vocalist Checks In From The Studio

December 18, 2008, 15 years ago

hot flashes news dendura

DENDURA vocalist Aziza has checked in from the studio, where the band is currently working with producer Neil Kernon:

"Sadly, I broke out with a horrible sinus infection and cough a few days before vocals were to start. I went to my doctors and a special health clinic and got an IV of vitamin B, C and more into my system to shoot out the infection. I sat over a humidifier and didn't talk until vocals were to start. We did one verse and then I couldn't stop coughing (singing will make it worse, especially in chest voice). I had that itchy throat and couldn't stop coughing (though I tried not to cough) so we stopped. The guys did their leads in between my vocal rest. I couldn't sing again until Monday and then just built my endurance back up with the easier songs first. Though I'm feeling 95% better, I am being very careful and still, not talking after singing. The guys are going crazy with my bad penmanship! LOL, besides Neil. :) Things are progressing really good now and were back on track and everything is sounding so much better than I thought it could. Neil is a gem to work with. I feel honored. We will be scheduling more dates to finish my vocals amongst other things so we'll keep you posted!"


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