BIF NAKED - "Kicked Out Of Chemo"

January 5, 2009, 15 years ago

news rock hard bif naked

Canada's BIF NAKED, who has been battling breast cancer, issued the following update earlier today:

"Namaste, Highest Blessings to everyone. Wherever you are. I'm currently in a weird land resembling the top of Mt. Shasta (circa: that heinous blizzard of '92 when we drove our broken van from gig-to-gig, saving any and all burritos from The Mission district because we made a measly $23.00 playing a show for George the Greek). Hahahaha! What does THAT mean?? Well, Beautiful people, it means that it juuuuuust keeps snowing in 'Couvie. Pretty yet increasingly inconvenient. Kinda like drunk chicks, right?


Sooo... Chemo-Action #17 happened YESTERDAY instead of today. Yup. On a Sunday. I got bumped because they are 'so full.' And, I got no lollipop. No certificate. Nada. A swift kick-in-the-ass and a big fat, 'get out! Yer done.'

And that was that.

I don't think it has sunk in. It has been a year almost to-the-day when I started chemo. Fucking weeeeeeeeeeird. Totally weird. I ain't emotional. I'm just coasting through the side-effects (which, obviously, ain't as bad as when it was 'mustard gas' style chemo: my fingernails melted off for six months... my hair fell out... the yellow skin... yada, yada) but I had lots of laughs. Tons of laughs! Met so many wonderful humans. Felt energy from people, like never before. And stayed with Nick and Anna at an integral part of their little journey-through-life.


If I hadn't had a 'cancer year,' I would have been working-and-travelling and not have been around too much for Annastasia. Soooo...THAT is just one of the cool examples of 'wonderfulness' that comes with life's suprises.

I don't yet have the full 'okay' from the doctors... but, one never REEEEALLY gets a 'Gold star' anyway :) I am just happy I had a good time doing the chemo grind. (Am I 'sucking it up' in my description? Yeah... you know I am... but I'm not gonna ever change.)

And that's the pisser about Cancerland. It doesn't 'change' who you are. At least- it didn't change me. Just made me laugh more, at myself. Like- A LOT more! Hahahhaa!

I feel pretty positive. But, what else is new?


Love energy and Om Sai Ram...



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