DIRTY LITTLE RABBITS Featuring SLIPKNOT's Shawn "Clown" Crahan To Release New EP This Month

January 6, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news dirty little rabbits slipknot ep

As previously reported, Iowa-based DIRTY LITTLE RABBITS featuring to SLIPKNOT percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan behind the kit signed with The End Records in October 2008. Their new EP, Simon, will be released on January 20th. Go to this location to hear audio samples.

The band also features Stella Soleil (vocals), Ty Fyhrie (guitars), Jeff Karnowski (bass), and Michael Pfaff (organs, keyboards).

Crahan recently commented on the band during an interview with Headbangers Blog:

"Dirty Little Rabbits is my new Slipknot. I’m playin’ drums, and I’m a songwriter and this is the band I’ve been waiting to be in my whole life. And it’s more of an alternative band than a metal band. It’s everything I’ve ever been into. And it’s a thought process, it’s a mindset. And this will be the band I end my life with.

"A lot of people don’t know I’m more or less an alternative person in art and music. I didn’t grow up obsessed with metal. But that’s most of the beauty behind Skipknot. You’ve got guys that are completely dedicated to the metal, and then you’ve got guys who never even listen to it, like me. And you come together and make this thing called Slipknot that happens to be a metal band, and that’s awesome because I always believed when I got together with my brothers that they were writing music that I never heard or felt and that’s why I went with it.

"And I brought the art to this music, and throughout time I developed all my musical skills and – boom — here I am with Dirty Little Rabbits and it’s finally everything I’ve ever wanted in a band."

Read the entire interview at Headbangers Blog.

(Photo by Scott Kaven)

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