DECAPITATED Singer's Family Seeking Donations

January 6, 2009, 15 years ago

hot flashes news decapitated

Alina Squeak, on behalf of DECAPITATED vocalist Adrian "Covan" Kowanek's family, has issued the following update:

"As most everyone knows, it has been just over a year since the tragic bus accident that ultimately took the life of Vitek, drummer of Decapitated, and seriously injured their singer, Covan. The families of Vitek and Covan wish to express deep gratitude to everyone for their thoughts, prayers, funny stories, and donations sent to them during this last very difficult year.

However, Covan is still going through a long and difficult recovery, and the family would once again ask for you to look into your heart and possibly send donations. It is INCREDIBLY expensive for all the round-the-clock medical care, the doctors, the nurses, the therapy, the medicine, etc. Most of you could also understand that, since he is also in Poland, it is even more expensive than it would be in the US or most other parts of Europe. His care and recovery is ongoing and he is slowly showing some progress, but it will be quite a bit of time before he is completely better. Some people may think that, although they would like to help, that they have nothing to give… but in truth, if every one person out there that thought this could donate even just $1, that amount will significantly multiply and make a huge difference!

If anyone out there would like to help, there are three ways you can do that. All the old PayPal donation information has been shut down a while ago, so please make note of the NEW address and account numbers!

If you are INSIDE POLAND ONLY, please use the following info:

You can donate to the POLISH paypal address of:

OR you can put it directly into his bank account:

Recipient's Name: Adrian Kowanek

Account Number: 05 1240 1431 1111 0000 0999 2870

Bank Swift Code: PKOPPLPW

Bank Name: PEKAO I O. Krakow

Bank Address: Rynek Glowny 31, 31-010 Kraków, Poland

Please add the word "Covan" as the bank transfer description.

If you are OUTSIDE OF POLAND (Europe, Asia, South America, North America, etc.), please use the following info:

You can donate to the AMERICAN paypal account address of:

OR you can put it directly into the American bank account listed below:

Recipient Name: Alina M. Hernes

Account Number: 3582102302

Bank Name: Washington Mutual

Bank Address: 1605 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell, CA 95008 USA

Be assured that this bank account was opened strictly for donations to Covan only, and all money will go directly to Covan. At Washington Mutual, it does not cost me any fees to transfer money to a Polish bank account or from paypal to the bank account, so that is why I made a separate account for him here.

If you go over to the myspace profile at, you will also see a bunch of merchandise items for sale, in which all the money raised from the sale of those items will go directly to Covan’s care. I will tell you that the Decapitated Remembrance shirt is one of the best quality shirts that I own and that the quality is completely top-notch. As well, keep an eye out in the next few days, as we will be making announcements about items that we will be auctioning off to benefit Covan, including a guitar graciously donated from Peter from the almighty VADER!

If you could please help us spread the word, we would be extremely grateful for the help. Please check back for periodic updates on Covan. Thank you so much!"

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